SBA Autumn Convention at Oatridge College, Broxburn - last 7 days for ticket purchases!!

£30 incl lunch - sae, lunch details* and cheque to John Coyle (see magazine or SBA website for contact details).


- Jamie Ellis, Florida, on Sustainability in Beekeeping, and Honeybees as Superorganisms
- Rinke Vinkenoog, Northumbria University, on Bees and Balsam
- Derek Mitchell on Heat Bees, Boxes, Trees and Honey

Plus trade stands**, plenty of time to browse them and of course the opportunity to blether with lots of beekeepers!

EMBA hosting a talk by Binny Plants, Friday evening, 7:30.

* turkey/haddock/veg pasta - fudge cake/cranachan
** BeeCraft, Northern Bee Books, SBA, Brunel, Solway Bee Supplies, Scottish Government Bee Inspectorate, Abelo, British Bee Feeds.