Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Old queen in an apidea

    On St Pat's Day I put the remnants of a colony into an Apidea as there was only a couple of hundred bees left with the queen.
    They have been living in the garden shed ever since.
    I took the apidea up to my apiary at the allotment and took two frames of sealed brood plus adhering bees from my strongest colony. I shook in some more bees as well and added a frame of honey and another of drawn comb.
    I put the queen in a roller cage and hung it between the two frames. The nuc is ...
    Tags: apidea
  2. St. Patrick's Day update

    Ok. I know it would read better if it were St Andrew's day update but today was a public holiday combined with a temperature of 14c so I got a chance to check quickly through a few colonies.

    I was able to have a look at eleven in all with inspection time limited to 5-10 minutes in each case.
    All had some brood and I saw ten of the queens including several of the ones I still have to mark. I will wait a few more weeks until I get a warmer day as there is no rush.
    In one ...

    Updated 17-03-2010 at 09:25 PM by Jon
