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  1. Checked a few more.

    Unbelievable weather at the moment. Over 20c in Belfast today.
    I checked a few colonies I have at the bottom of the garden, 4 in wooden brood boxes and 2 in correx nucs.
    3 were very strong, 2 were about right for the time of year and the other is one I did not expect to survive which is now improving. It had about two half covered frames in December. Two of the strongest ones had drones already hatched and the strongest had 7 frames of brood. They were well clogged with stores and ...
  2. All well

    Took advantage of the warmest March day in Scotland and I've been through all of mine now. No drone layers, none queenless. One has lots of brood (7-8 frames) and when that lot hatches there will be no room at all in the box. Time for a second brood box for that one. There are three with 4-5 frames of brood and the other two are a bit weaker still with 2-3 frames and half a box of bees. None are borderline survivors and all look like they will flourish this spring. The big one is the most ...

    Updated 26-03-2012 at 09:23 AM by gavin

  3. A quick inspection

    Had another visit yesterday and pulled some frames for the first time as the sun was out and the sheltered site was encouraging lots of flying. There was a Japanese quince just inside the garden which was humming with bees, apparently collecting pollen.

  4. March in the orchard

    Bringing home the willow pollen.

    In this one just back from the willow you can clearly see the combs on the hind legs used to press and squeeze the moistened pollen through into the pollen baskets. Come to think of it, that doesn't look like willow. Not dusty enough.

    On their way out the door they give their antennae a quick wipe before they ...

    Updated 12-03-2012 at 08:40 AM by gavin

  5. First quick check 2012

    There was a real sense of spring in the air today with weak sunshine and a temperature of about 13c.
    I had a quick check through 9 colonies I have at my allotment.
    I know I know, some will say far too early, but the initial check is to check the level of stores and have a quick look for anything untoward. No messing about looking for queens or marking and clipping although I did see several.
    So what did I learn.
    -In spite of a lot of entrance activity, they were a bit ...

    Updated 10-03-2012 at 07:02 PM by Jon

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