Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Lesson in swarm control.

    I mentioned in my recent blog that I had an exciting start to beekeeping.

    Originally I received two Nucs in late may, I was told the queens in residence were 2014 queens and were very docile lovely bees to handle and would not swarm this year. Once people heard I had two hives on site a number of people turned up to give advice and mentor???

    Ill call them Jack and Jill,

    After a week on site I observed a number of queen cells in One of the hives and informed ...
  2. Honey flow

    This year after investing a lot of money in two Cedar wood hives and all the ancillary equipment (Not my money) OK some of it mine but I am not prepared to admit how much except to say this is an expensive hobby to get into. I have put in a lot of hours reading and researching bees, not to mention the promise of honey for all and sundry. I started with two hives and due to swarming and the death of the original queens now have three hives. The summer has not being great weather wise. All good so ...