Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Releasing the Queen

    I released the queen I had left in a roller cage overnight.
    The two colonies seemed to combine without fighting.
    In theory, a queenless colony should look on an introduced queen as a gift from above but you never know with bees.
    I removed the roller cage and then a frame from the nuc.
    I placed the frame on its side and set the roller cage onto it, releasing the plug.
    You can see the queen leaving and the bees immediately starting to groom her.
    Sometimes ...

    Updated 21-03-2010 at 08:26 PM by Jon

  2. Beginings

    Hello fellow Beekeeper

    The time has long passed since first begining with Bees and the Joy and excitment was a truely wonderous thing to first behold my own bees,many older Beek's seem to forget they too once felt such joy and have become blinkered in there pursuit of doing whats right by the bees and the newcomers.
    Many being judgemental for whatever reason is no excuse for throwing coldwater onto some newbees and there enthusiasims but alas the newbee's are the future ...
  3. A tentative peek

    I know, its only March. The sun came out and stayed out, the wind had dropped, and I was still fretting about the level of stores. So off I went ...

    Parking in the usual lane behind the big wall, I picked up the usual bits and pieces. The jacket and veil with the metal hoop sticking out. Hive tool. My favourite smoker, now sadly with a few holes nibbled in the bellows from a winter in the shed with the mice. Bag of crumbly bits of wood. Camera. Newspaper, but not the lighter ...