Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Out in the cold sunshine, the season gets underway ...

    Nice to see so many people blogging ... including blogging novices! In fact this is my first ever blog too, so be gentle with me. In case folk are unsure, the idea is that you can - if you wish - record your thoughts here. Not so much points for discussion, more a diary that you are prepared to share with the online world. I'm starting with some observations today on what the bees are up to, and if you are good I might share with you a look at a dead hive at the weekend.

    So, it ...
  2. Still alive

    A sunny day without wind at last. Two colonies and two nucs still alive and flying, though the temperature away from direct sun was only 4 degrees. I suspect they were only doing what my granny used to call 'powdering one's nose', otherwise known as 'taking a comfort break' as there was no sign of any of them on the nearby snowdrops. I think I'll make some more candy tomorrow.