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  1. Tales from the Hive ... Sabotage!

    The Wee Bee flew swiftly home from the beekeeper's house and reported straight to Mitzzi and the Queen.

    'She's planning to have the association over for a demonstration on Sunday afternoon', she said.

    'Have you been hacking her email again?', asked Mitzzi.

    'No, just looking in through the window at the laptop.'

    The beekeeper had indeed noticed a bee taking a great deal of interest in the area around the window and wondered why she was bothering, ...
  2. Down to Earth with a bump.

    I think my mentee got a crash course today of a wide selection of what can go wrong in beekeeping.

    I got the first look at the colony down on the nature reserve and as soon as we opened it up I had a sinking feeling. The box was absolutely packed to the rafters with bees and, sure enough, sealed queen cells. I'd guess they must have gone almost a week ago judging by the lack of eggs and almost total lack of larvae in Brood laid across 9 14x12 frames in total. Everywhere there wasn't ...