
Views on top bars, please

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I'm a novice beekeeper and have an Octagonal Warre, a National and a Smith (long story) but I'm trying to work out which one works best for the bees (and me). Someone mentioned to me recently the merits of the top bar but others have said they're not for beginners. Any views?

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  1. gavin's Avatar
    Welcome, Yvonne. An octogonal Warre - like a Stewarton? Sounds lovely - more upright than the other types of TBH and so better for bees in cold climates probably, not that I have any experience of top bar hives in any form. It is great that you are trying traditional designs alongside them. There are others on here who have tried and are using Warres and TBHs, so I hope some of them will comment. Do show us how things develop in the blog! Cheers from Hungary (this week only!). G.
  2. chris's Avatar
    Hello Yvonne,first question: why an octagonal Warré as opposed to a standard one?