
Bringing in the bread

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Nice week so far, the bees have been busy collecting pollen and water (see picture).
It is about to get colder and more snow is forecast. Hope it does not catch the bees on the wrong foot.
Mind you they have been doing this for a couple of million years, so they are a little way ahead of me.
We are still a long way off from the spring though (the second photo).
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Name:	pollensammel..jpg 
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ID:	75   Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	85.2 KB 
ID:	76  

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Updated 05-03-2010 at 03:47 PM by Calum (comment photo)

Beekeeping in Germany


  1. Calum's Avatar
    Just as predicted. Lovely day on Friday with the ladies collecting plenty of pollen. On Saturday 10-18cm of snow. So it went from photo 1 to photo 2.

    Very pretty, but it puts a brake on the developement. Food stores shrinking fast, but plenty of young bees in the hives.
    Updated 08-03-2010 at 09:17 AM by Calum