View Full Version : Peebles Press

09-01-2012, 09:23 PM
Can anyone point me to a picture, please...?

09-01-2012, 11:46 PM
There was me thinking that a copy of the Peebleshire Advertiser had made its way to you .... but no, sorry, I don't know of such a thing.

10-01-2012, 01:58 PM
That'll teach me to stick things in the exam section! Cramming for module 2 (&7 but following my lack of certainty on the current NZ thread think I'm nuts!). Two things come up "perforextractor" which I can find no pic of and is described as a "rolling pin with pins" and most google refs seem linked....so is that a longer version of the little plastic or metal handheld heather rollers? And a "Peebles press" which is supposedly hinged pieces of wood cf the usual apple-press or car-jack types. I have a visual memory...hence the need for pics...

Mellifera Crofter
11-01-2012, 01:54 PM
...And a "Peebles press" which is supposedly hinged pieces of wood cf the usual apple-press or car-jack types. I have a visual memory...hence the need for pics...
I'm sure you must have found this article (http://neidpathpress.com/page1.html) about the original Peebles press - very ornate and lovely, but not the Peebles press you want to see. You might find this link to David Heaf's honey (http://www.dheaf.plus.com/warrebeekeeping/pressing_honey.htm) press interesting - but perhaps also not quite what you had in mind.