View Full Version : Laying Queen but no larvae brought on?

21-06-2020, 12:31 PM
Hi All, I have a problem colony, I've never seen this before or read this in books.

6/05 Found 2 deconstructed queen cells in 3 frame colony.
9 +15/05 no eggs
28/05 eggs and queen found
30/05 still eggs only no larvae
07/06 eggs only, no larvae or capped brood
11/06 2 frames of nursing bees united with colony
20/06 uniting successful, queen present, eggs and no larvae

Anyone know what's going on?

22-06-2020, 08:49 AM
Without knowing the history of the queen, my first suggestion is that it's a DLQ (drone laying queen), the workers will potentially remove drone eggs in this situation - they want girls, not boys!

23-06-2020, 01:07 PM
Thanks Adam, I've had a drone layer before and they allowed the drones to develop to larvae stage. What a mess that made, but the colony still loved her to bits; but she had to go! Looks like I will have to requeen, I had hoped there was a solution to give her a chance. She's probably emerged before any drones were ready; it makes sense. Cheers.