View Full Version : Another reason I love to loathe The Times on a Saturday ...

02-09-2017, 09:18 PM
... there's almost never a "Best of " guide in the Weekend section that is anything other than total twaddle. Week after week of contradictory garbage, backed up with what look like little more than poorly disguised adverts. The one that always makes me smile is the "Best weekend walks" (or similar nonsense) with the recommended footwear being more suited to the via ferrata in the Dolomites (https://www.via-ferrata-dolomites.com). Carpet slippers would be more appropriate.

And this week ... the "Best honey ..." ... three named, all imported. One from the Pyrenees, one from Tasmania and one - a snip at £19.95 for 110g - from Italy.

The Tasmanian stuff is less than some on here sell their local Scottish honey for ...

Rant over. As you were!

PS I'm sure they're all lovely honeys ...

Poly Hive
02-09-2017, 10:05 PM
It's simple... dinna buy the bloody thing. I gave up on papers some 10 years ago... bought some bees instead. :)


04-09-2017, 07:43 AM
Don't get me started on the organic stuff and the manuka all ready questioning the Organic trust and on going disagreement with local multi national I will not win but feck it they will be upset.