View Full Version : Eggs on varroa screen floor

10-01-2017, 11:31 AM
You always learn something new with bees. During the mild weather a few days ago on checking my varroa screen there was unhatched bee eggs on the floor. First time ive ever seen this happen, I can only imagine that the mild weather during which the bees were flying freely (and raiding my pile of stored supers) followed by the present sharp cold spell has made the bees clear out the eggs recently laid by her majesty. Will try and post a photo. Any thoughts?


you neeed to look carefully as the eggs are now very wet and starting to decompose

10-01-2017, 02:45 PM
Emma keeps an eye on such detail on her floors and has shown me these discarded eggs. Yes, it could well be the workers modifying their workload after an over-enthusiastic spell from mum. I wonder if those bees that tend to keep brooding in poorer conditions (Italians perhaps) also do this.

10-01-2017, 05:58 PM
Could there be the odd drone laying worker about ?