View Full Version : Beekeeping Insurance.

15-11-2016, 09:14 AM
I see a number of national organisations promote themselves that if you join you benefit from their insurance. What does it actually cover, I have never seen an actual policy and anyone I ask says dont worry the federation will cover you, but they are not solicitors or barristers.
So what if.
1.Someone buys some of my honey and they get ill.
2. Someone say the postman or milk man claims one of my bees stung him/her and they are allergic to stings.
3. Someone finds a hair in some honey and claims it is from a rat/mouse and was in honey I sold.
4. A sawrm issues from the hive and a local festival or concert has to be cancelled, who pays for that?
5. Your selling honey at a craft fair someone falls at your stall and they are out of work?
6. Someone has an allergy to lip balm you sold.
7. The local landscaper cutting grass nearby gets stung and claims off you for loss of earnings.
Has anyone ever being sued over beekeeping or would I be better off with my own public liability insurance.

15-11-2016, 11:49 AM

has LOT of information including teh policy wording..

15-11-2016, 12:32 PM

Has the same information (or similar) for the SBA insurance scheme.

Regarding points 2 and 7 ... those were bees from another beekeeper. Mine have a lovely temper ;-)

15-11-2016, 02:51 PM
Thanks for that, Iam not a member of the BBA so could not access the information there.