27-07-2016, 04:37 PM
Hi All
With only 5 years beekeeping experience, I discovered something in today's inspection which I have never experienced before. I have a colony in a open mesh floor which sits on a national stand. Underneath the stand the need have built a small cluster of brace comb, about the side of a small football. I ran out of time to investigate the comb further to see if there is just stored in it or if the queen has moved outside and started laying there. The main brood box had no brood in today, but the colony appearred happy.
Anyone seen this before?
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With only 5 years beekeeping experience, I discovered something in today's inspection which I have never experienced before. I have a colony in a open mesh floor which sits on a national stand. Underneath the stand the need have built a small cluster of brace comb, about the side of a small football. I ran out of time to investigate the comb further to see if there is just stored in it or if the queen has moved outside and started laying there. The main brood box had no brood in today, but the colony appearred happy.
Anyone seen this before?
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