View Full Version : SMARTBEEs - Sustainable Management of Resilient Bee Populations

09-12-2014, 11:41 AM
Dear all,

I have been in contact with a few of you directly and will PM a few more today ! Our research group up in Aberdeen have been involved in putting together a large collaboration of beekeeping associations, research institutes, universities and other groups across the EU for the past 2 years called SMARTBEEs (they demand acronyms!) and finally we have actually got the funding and started on the project. It is really ambitious in scope as you can read on the (very basic at the moment!) project webpage - http://www.smartbees-fp7.eu/

Myself and Dr Bowman in Aberdeen are directly involved in the pathogens and disease parts BUT a major thrust of the project is going to be on conservation and breeding of local native bees. The overall aim is to use cutting edge genetics to aid the breeding of local stocks of bees and conserving diversity. This is rather than producing a single bee strain in Germany say that is tolerant to varroa, produces heaps of honey and shows low swarming. The one bee fits all scenario is a bust flush !

Anyway I have been heaping praise on the Scottish beekeeping community (and parts of NI ;) as well as on certain members in here while speaking to the conservation and breeding work packages These are led by some of the best well known bee guys across Europe and include Per Kryger, Ralph Bucher, Bjorne Dahle, Aleksandar Uzunov and Kaspar Beinefeld. They are keen for us as a community to be involved.

As such all the collaborators involved in the project have been asked to get together a list of contacts from their area. FERA and the NBU are taking the lead on this in the UK but I thought there are people on here not likely to be contacted by FERA but that could contribute a huge amount to the project given your experience and the fact we have valuable native stocks in Scotland including some from varroa free areas.

If anyone is vaguely interested I am not asking for any kind of commitment but that I can pass on your details to the project. There is a budget for the teams involved to come over and give talks / training and run through in greater detail the projects aims and timeline. Bjorn Dahle and the rest were heavily involved in supporting the Colonsay Reserve status and are really decent guys. If you are even slightly interested please PM me your contact details and I will pass them on and keep you updated.

Cheers and thanks for your help,

Ewan Campbell

09-12-2014, 01:22 PM
Nice to see you posting Ewan ;).

As you know, there is a group of us underway with native/near-native breeding in east central Scotland. It could sprout arms and legs in 2015. Count us in!


09-12-2014, 01:28 PM
Nice one Gavin ! I'm really motivated to get a decent Scottish contingent involved in this if possible. I think it could help in your arm and leg sprouting. Indeed multi-tentacled sprouting. It is ambitious but I think you need to be in this kind of project.

09-12-2014, 02:07 PM
< Gloucestershire tentacle watching with Intense Interest...... >

09-12-2014, 05:23 PM
As you know, there is a group of us underway with native/near-native breeding in east central Scotland. It could sprout arms and legs in 2015. Count us in!


You know what they'll say if it fails...............

You should have quit while you're a head!

09-12-2014, 10:42 PM
Hi Ewan
You can also count me in. I have recently retired and intend to increase my native Amm breeding next year as I will have a lot more time.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

10-12-2014, 06:32 AM
Not been on the forum for a while as some may have noticed! But this is of course music to my ears. If I can be of any assistance to this project please let me know.

10-12-2014, 11:42 AM
Count me in as well.

10-12-2014, 05:03 PM
Count me in also.

10-12-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks for all the PMs about getting involved. I'll send along your contact details asap. I cant promise the response will be swift as trying to coordinate 17 different countries beekeepers may well be a project in its own ! If anyone else wants to get involved then feel free to PM me an email address and a bit about your colonies, bee breeding, native bees or anything you think might be important :) I'll then pass that along to Alex, Per and Ralph. If we get enough people involved then I would think organizing an information meeting in Scotland either at one of the SBA events or somewhere else should be doable in 2015.

30-07-2015, 02:59 PM
Thanks for all the PMs about getting involved. I'll send along your contact details asap. I cant promise the response will be swift as trying to coordinate 17 different countries beekeepers may well be a project in its own ! If anyone else wants to get involved then feel free to PM me an email address and a bit about your colonies, bee breeding, native bees or anything you think might be important :) I'll then pass that along to Alex, Per and Ralph. If we get enough people involved then I would think organizing an information meeting in Scotland either at one of the SBA events or somewhere else should be doable in 2015.
Hi Ewan,
Hope your lab has now received the Amm samples for the SMARTBEES project. Looking forward to helping further with this excellent research initiative. Margie