View Full Version : Temporary ban on bees from Italy

14-11-2014, 01:13 PM
I really hope the SHB is eliminated in Italy before its spreads across Europe & Scotland. I think a temporary ban on Imports would help as part of a raft of measures that can be taken that would reduce the risk to the bees in Scotland. I don't think that voluntary agreements are effective & I don't think that hordes of people would risk a large fine to defy an import ban.

Let's not let this destructive beetle into the country due to our Apathy. Please sign up to this petition to the government asking for a temporary
import ban. Let's not roll over to this. Give 2mins of time back to your bees !


Only takes a Jiffy

Thank you!

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter :


14-11-2014, 08:13 PM
Can you justify restricting this to Italy?

It was said by an Italian beekeepers leader that 10k queens went out of the area across Italy and into central France. Folk talk of bees from Germany wintering in Italy. If the UK took so many queens and packages from Italy in 2014, where else did they go (other than France)? How good is the inspection service in other countries that export bees - the Italian one seems quite good yet it looks like they missed this outbreak for at least a year?

So many unknowns at present.

15-11-2014, 08:15 PM
I take your point It may already have spread
However we are where we are & it's confirmed in Italy & Sicily at present

I was disappointed in the attitude of the two bee farmers today, who to me at least, were playing down the notion of any serious risk
Vested interests in the Continued supplied of continental queens? I'd rather take my cue from DEFRA who classify it (presumably after
much examination) as being "a serious risk"

The SBA work on a solution was heartening as was the resolution passed today

16-11-2014, 10:22 PM
Hi all, after hearing yesterday what Murry and john had to say about illegal imports of bees, which I never knew where so high already, I'd say it's looking like we're stuffed and we've got to rely on our weather stoping their advance, and having seen the mess the Beatles make in hive first hand in Oz, maggot filled suppers is a site I'd rather forget [emoji53]

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16-11-2014, 10:56 PM
Beatles? You don't want scousers messing up your hive !

17-11-2014, 12:07 AM
Hi all, after hearing yesterday what Murry and john had to say about illegal imports of bees, which I never knew where so high already, I'd say it's looking like we're stuffed and we've got to rely on our weather stoping their advance, and having seen the mess the Beatles make in hive first hand in Oz, maggot filled suppers is a site I'd rather forget [emoji53]

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I have the greatest respect for both the bee farmers present yesterday for their experience & the difficult work they do, but both have a vested interest in the continued imports of bees & I feel this colours their perception.
For the average hobbyist its an easier choice as for most of us our livelihood isn't at risk
Of course bee farmers will be hit harder than most if the beetles get in

If put in the position of a ban it will undoubtedly penalise them disproportionately & therefore they should be compensated. I was glad to hear M,McG was developing an impressive queen rearing unit

I don't accept our climate will help us because SHB will survive anywhere the bees can survive.

The argument that people will risk a prosecution to import bees really? honestly? If sufficient penalties are in place I can't see it. I doubt many people would risk their job. mortgage etc for the sake of importing bees

Not wanting to be too much of a hand wringer but I think the impact on bumblebees could also be potentially severe as there will be no nematodes, chemicals & correx traps for them. Its an unknown quantity on many levels

To all those who have signed the petition Thank-you
Please continue to push for this ban

17-11-2014, 08:57 AM
For the average hobbyist its an easier choice as for most of us our livelihood isn't at risk

If a man’s business, whilst making a profit, cannot also take into account the overall benefit or harm to society, then can that man expect society to let him get on with it?
”It’s his livelihood”: can this be a justification in itself?

17-11-2014, 11:01 AM
I am with Chris on this one and surely the beefarmers have had a lot of money thrown at an seemingly unsustainable business model already.
I am as keen on making a profit as the next man but profit and ethics need to go hand in hand.

Black Comb
17-11-2014, 11:09 AM
The problem with signing this is that their T & C's allow them to send you future marketing waffle.

Pete L
17-11-2014, 11:14 AM
I am with Chris on this one and surely the beefarmers have had a lot of money thrown at an seemingly unsustainable business model already.

Well, i'm a beefarmer, and i haven't seen any thrown my way yet, not a penny.

17-11-2014, 11:15 AM
Black Comb ... http://mailinator.com is your friend ... free, disposable email addresses.

17-11-2014, 11:20 AM
I do support a ban but what I have seen happening in beekeeping of late it seams to be all about profit and I was told having no morals and poor ethics not against the the law, I can only hope the boarders are tightened up as an island we should be able to stop the beetle coming.

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Black Comb
17-11-2014, 11:44 AM
Black Comb ... http://mailinator.com is your friend ... free, disposable email addresses.

Thank you. Now signed.

17-11-2014, 03:24 PM
Well, i'm a beefarmer, and i haven't seen any thrown my way yet, not a penny.

I mean the Scottish ones Pete.

17-11-2014, 09:05 PM
Being an island isn't a guarantee against SHB, outbreak in Sicily....

18-11-2014, 12:58 AM
Being an island isn't a guarantee against SHB, outbreak in Sicily....

Transmission by shipped in "migratory" beekeepers' bees I believe

Supports the point: no movement ban=increased risk of spread

No guarantees in life, you do what you can to mitigate risk