View Full Version : American beekeeper visiting Scotland

30-08-2014, 11:51 AM
Hello fellow beekeepers,

I'm a beekeeper from Seattle USA. I'll be in Edinburgh for three weeks beginning September 1st. I'd like to meet other beekeepers to share ideas and learn how beekeeping is done here in Scotland. I have been raising honey bees and solitary bees(Osmia Lignaria) for the last six years. In addition to keeping bees in Langstroth hives for honey production, I've also raised bees in horizontal and vertical topbar hives. I have a keen interest in natural comb beehives. I still consider myself a novice beekeeper and enjoy meeting beekeepers of every level of experience with a passion for bees.

I'm a carpenter by trade and I'd be happy to volunteer my help with any beehive or equipment building project you have. I love building unusual stuff!

I hope to attend the Scottish national honey show in Dundee Sept. 5-7th. I plan on taking the train but if you'll be driving there from Edinburgh and would like company I'd be happy to share the cost of petrol. The Fife honey show in Dobbies, Dunfermline September 20-21st, is also on my wishlist of events to see.
On Sept. 22nd my wife and I travel to Llangollen, Wales for the BIBBA/SICAMM beekeeping conference. Let me know if you'll be attending.

Please contact me with any ideas or suggestions you may have or if you'd like to talk about bees over a pint.


Darren Gordon

30-08-2014, 01:34 PM
There will be quite of few of the regulars here at Llangollen. Gavin and myself are both speakers and quite a few others will be in attendance.

30-08-2014, 02:23 PM
Perhaps see you in Llangollen in Sept . I'm there for the three days.
Cheers. John

30-08-2014, 09:34 PM
There will be quite of few of the regulars here at Llangollen. Gavin and myself are both speakers and quite a few others will be in attendance.
My wife and I will be in Llangollen beginning September 22nd. If you arrive early to the conference please contact me if you'd like to meet up to talk about bees.

30-08-2014, 09:37 PM
Darren, are you the guy who was recently in Ireland and met up with Aoife Nic Giolla Coda and others?

30-08-2014, 09:37 PM
Hopefully we'll meet if you have time. Here is my email if you'd like to contact me. darren@houseofbees.com

30-08-2014, 09:43 PM
I'm currently in the Dublin area now and I've met a few local beekeepers but I don't recognize the name you mentioned.

30-08-2014, 09:54 PM
Hi Darren,
Welcome to Scotland!!

Contact these guys http://www.edinburghbeekeepers.org.uk/


30-08-2014, 10:18 PM
Hi Darren. Just checked and it was a guy called Andrew I was thinking of who made the recent visit.


31-08-2014, 12:19 AM
Hi Darren,
Welcome to Scotland!!

Contact these guys http://www.edinburghbeekeepers.org.uk/


Hi Darren

If you do so you may find they've already heard of you! I emailed Gordon, the secretary, this afternoon pointing him at this thread.

See you in Llangollen *and* in Dundee ....


PS I was corrected today: pointing *her* to this thread. Gordon's a she.

31-08-2014, 12:47 PM
Hi Darren. Just checked and it was a guy called Andrew I was thinking of who made the recent visit.


We met Andrew briefly during a beekeeping visit to Iceland earlier this year. Beekeeping tourism seems to be getting popular!

31-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Hi Darren

If you do so you may find they've already heard of you! I emailed Gordon, the secretary, this afternoon pointing him at this thread.

See you in Llangollen *and* in Dundee ....


Gavin and Steve, thanks! I look forward to hearing from them soon. I believe I sent an email via their website a few days ago. This appears to be the closest group to where we're staying in the Portobello area.

05-09-2014, 10:17 PM
Hi Darren

It was great to meet you today. Hope you didn't get too wet! May see you again before we both head south to Llangollen.

Good luck for the rest of your tour.


06-09-2014, 05:59 AM
Hi Darren

If you're free on Tuesday, email me ? I'll be around in Portobello


06-09-2014, 07:47 PM
I'll send you a private message. Thanks
Hi Darren

If you're free on Tuesday, email me ? I'll be around in Portobello


06-09-2014, 07:53 PM
Nice to meet you also! Thanks for introducing me to all the other beekeepers at the honey show. I hope to see you at the Perth beekeeper meeting on Tuesday night.
Hi Darren

It was great to meet you today. Hope you didn't get too wet! May see you again before we both head south to Llangollen.

Good luck for the rest of your tour.
