View Full Version : Beekeeping by proxy

12-08-2014, 10:38 PM
I just thought I'd give you a wee update on my allergy situation.
I got my blood tests back confirming allergy to bee venom. The Consultant is applying for funding for desensitisation. Just getting a referral may take months. If the referral comes through in time the next course begins in January, however it will require weekly visits to Newcastle for 12 weeks then monthly visits for 3 years. The good news is that, assuming the treatment is going well, I can go back to the bees after the initial 12 week period. With a lot of ifs, buts, hope and luck I should be back beekeeping next spring.
In the meantime Patrick, the beginner from last year, I'm mentoring and sharing the apiary with is looking after the bees.
Proxy beekeeping is no substitute for the real thing but it's better than nothing. I kind of compare it to describing the aroma and taste of a bottle of buckie in minute detail to a jaickie and not letting him drink it! :D

13-08-2014, 08:20 AM
For 'The good news ....' onwards:


16-08-2014, 07:27 PM
Sounds like good news and no need for you to disappear from here either :)

17-08-2014, 02:37 PM
It was, I think, my first day on this forum when I read your retirement note - I really felt for you, as I cannot imagine being without my bees......... so Good Luck!