View Full Version : Honey ID?

27-07-2014, 11:07 AM
Our blossom honey harvest is usually mainly clover and blonde in colour. This year as you can see below it's very different! I'm thinking it has a high proportion of bell heather given that colour although there'll be clover and some others in there as well. Any thoughts? Not aware of much horse chestnut around here if that's a candidate for that colour. And no it hasn't been heated up either!


27-07-2014, 06:05 PM
No idea but it looks lovely!

28-07-2014, 08:16 AM
I'm thinking it has a high proportion of bell heather given that colour

certainly looks like it from the colour and apparently *liquid* state. If it crystallizes slowly with large crystals, that's another indication.
Do you have any lime nearby? My mixed flower honey is that colour when it has a large lime content.

29-07-2014, 12:25 AM
I took some lime honey off tonight. Delicious lemony, minty stuff. Its colour is greenish yellow, like the pollen.

If Gerry's honey has some bell heather (Erica cinerea) then it isn't a high proportion. The honey is a dark reddish purple colour and yours is blood red or so it seems. I wonder if some bell, a lot of clover to dilute the colour, and some lime to shift the hue of red would work?

29-07-2014, 05:42 AM
That does sound like a reasonable mix. Lime-wise I can only think of maybe a dozen trees within flying distance although there are maybe some I'm not aware of. Very dark amber is the colour in real life. And yep there were a fair few frames of classic clover went into the mix.