View Full Version : Smoke or no smoke ?

23-06-2014, 01:00 PM
Cause i have been in my hives(s) a lot recently, I haven't used the smoker each time, the bees seem OK with me not using it, whats the general view, smoke or no smoke?

Or have I just got some laid back bees ATM


23-06-2014, 07:43 PM
Use as little as you can get away with - especially if you're looking for the queen. Gentle bees that are still on the comb shouldn't need any. Bees with crap temperament need more just to keep them in check.

23-06-2014, 09:24 PM
I started down the no smoke route, and got mugged a couple of times by bees normally nice just in a bad mood, so I’m now a confirmed smoker (though I often don’t bother with small colonies and nucs). If you have any nasty hives (I’ve just requeened two) then a spot of tobacco in the tin helps a lot, I have two Golden Virginia plants in the greenhouse for the purpose.

23-06-2014, 09:34 PM
LoL ...where do you get Golden Virginia plants, I don't smoke ;)


24-06-2014, 12:06 AM
Use as little as you can get away with

Sounds good to me.

I think the key is to have the smoker going whether you use it or not.

24-06-2014, 10:59 AM
I always light a smoker. I use it only when the weather is poor or when a hive is grumpy (which is soon sorted- I do not tolerate aggression).

In this weather, I inspect in shorts,T shirt and no veil..which is how I think beekeeping should be.. (with no stings either)

I do get stung in bad weather or when it's colder : jacket and veil time.
No gloves except for aggressive bees.

24-06-2014, 09:55 PM
I always light a smoker. I use it only when the weather is poor or when a hive is grumpy (which is soon sorted- I do not tolerate aggression).

In this weather, I inspect in shorts,T shirt and no veil..which is how I think beekeeping should be.. (with no stings either)

I do get stung in bad weather or when it's colder : jacket and veil time.
No gloves except for aggressive bees.

What do you do if they are aggressive ? Does it involve silencing the queen?