View Full Version : How bees proces nectar to honey.

10-05-2010, 01:55 AM
The recent research into Lactic Acid bacilli and Bifidobacteria in nectar processing is fascinating; while reading round the subject I came across an unsubstantiated claim that bees inject venom into the cell containing ripened nectar just before sealing. Anyone ever heard of this? Know where to find out? Please let me know. Beekeeping is full of ideas like this floating about that gradually transform from myth into fact without being properly questioned.

15-05-2010, 08:40 AM
It's a new one on me!
I would personally redard it as myth untill proven otherwise!

15-05-2010, 08:30 PM
Thanks Adam (Norfolk). I feel the same as you. I have Emailed a Swedish bee scientist who did the research on Lactic Acid Bacilli in honey but no reply; maybe someone will come up with something.