View Full Version : Snelgrove

21-05-2014, 12:07 PM
Did a Snelgrove split before any queen cells were present. Split board put in after 48hours. A week or so later have gone to check for queen cells and found her majesty had obviously forced her way through qe and there were eggs and larvae in top box (although didn't find queen). Queen cell in bottom box. If I put queen cell plus frames into a nuc and move top box under supers are they likely to kill queen?

Feckless Drone
21-05-2014, 01:14 PM
Does you Snelgrove board have a wire mesh? This allows for "smell" to mingle and allows for unification without need for newspaper so in theory your Q should be OK to move down.
Its previously worked fine for me

21-05-2014, 08:49 PM
Yes. It does - I'll try it and hope for the best!

23-05-2014, 05:35 PM
Decided to follow Snelgrove's original instructions and removed QCs from bottom box, put queen back down with brood frame she was on and its bees and left them to draw new Qcs up top with young larvae that she'd left. Fingers crossed!

23-06-2014, 11:11 PM
Further news: Queen in top box looks a beauty and is now laying so went to look below. First sight in supers - beautiful white capped honey. Then better half lifted a frame out - loads of beautiful creamy sealed brood below the honey rim - 12 frames of it! Found her royal highness desperately trying to get through queen excluder into brood box which was pretty empty of anything. Popped her back down. Changed queen excluder in case there's a problem with the original. So much for maintaining the honey storing.