View Full Version : BIBBA & SICAMM Conference, Wales, UK...updates here

02-03-2014, 01:27 AM
BIBBA 50th Anniversary Conference 2014
Combined with SICAMM biennial conference

A date for your diary

26 - 28 September 2014, at The Pavilion, Llangollen, North Wales

BIBBA are pleased to announce their 50th Anniversary Conference, in collaboration with SICAMM (Societas Internationalis pro Conservatione Apis Melliferae Melliferae) their European partners. It will be hosted by South Clwyd BKA.

The focus is on bee improvement, bee breeding, queen rearing and the management of native and near native honey bees.

Delegates will learn about improving their own stocks of honey bees, whilst enjoying an excellent and varied social programme.

For those wishing to extend their visit, the Llangollen area benefits from stunning scenery, a variety of activities and culture to suit all tastes.

The programme promises to be exceptional, with over 30 lecturers from all over Europe giving good sound information. The event is a must for the progressive beekeeper, whatever their experience, who wants to increase his or her knowledge and improve their bees.

The following speakers have indicated their intention to speak at the BIBBA/SICAMM conference. Many have never lectured in the U.K or Ireland, so the event will give beekeepers an excellent opportunity to hear them.

This list may change due to personal circumstances, so consult regularly. All those who pre – register (see below) will be automatically updated by email.

ABRAHAMS, Andrew: Scotland
ARVIDSSON, Ingvar: Sweden
BIENEFELD, Prof. Kaspar: Germany
BLAKELEY, Willie: Northern Ireland
BOCQUET, Michel: France
BRANDORF, Dr Anna: Russia
BUDGE, Dr Giles: England
BUECHLER, Dr Ralph: Germany
CARRECK, Norman: England
CRITCHLEY, Geoff: Wales
DAVIS, Celia: England
FRIED, Balser: Switzerland
GETTY, Jon: Northern Ireland
GLOCK, Gerhard: Germany
HARDEN, Ben: Irish Republic
HENDRIE, John: England
ILYASOV, Dr Rustem: Russia
IRVINE, Ethel: Northern Ireland
JONES, Robert: Wales
MAC GIOLLA CODA, Eoghan: Irish Republic
MAC GIOLLA CODA, Micheál: Irish Republic
MARLOW, Trisha: Wales
MORGAN, Ceri: Wales
NIC GIOLLA CODA, Aoife: Irish Republic
OLEKSA, Dr Andrzej: Poland
PATTERSON, Roger: England
PAXTON, Prof Robert: Germany
PILAR DE LA RUA, Dra Maria: Spain
POWER, Irene: Irish Republic
PRITCHARD, Dr Dorian: England
RAMSAY, Dr Gavin: Scotland
ROBSON, Willie: England
ROSE, Steve: Wales
RYAN, Gerry: Irish Republic
RYAN, Mary: Irish Republic
SCOTT, Dara: Irish Republic
THOMPSON, Dr Kate: England
VAN DER ZEE, Dr Romee: The Netherlands

The list of topics and full programme will be released when available, but will include a range of topics suitable for all beekeepers from beginners to advanced, with both practical and scientific topics. To provide choice there will be three simultaneous lectures most of the time, together with practical demonstrations with live bees and trips. The titles at any one time will be carefully selected to provide a wide variety of interest.

Full conference Friday-Sunday 26th-28th September
BIBBA members £75.00 (£90.00) Non-BIBBA members £90.00 (£105.00)

Day Ticket. Same price for all days.
BIBBA members £30.00 (£35.00) Non-BIBBA members £35.00 (£40.00)

Up until 3rd August there will be a discounted rate for ticket purchases, then these will be increased to the figures in brackets. Price to include refreshments and buffet lunches. Online bookings will open on 1st April.

There is a wide variety of accommodation in and around Llangollen, varying from campsites to hotels to suit all budgets. Attendees will have to book their own to suit themselves. Although there is a lot of accommodation in Llangollen there are other events being staged at the same time. It is also a popular area and early indications are that some accommodation is filling up quite quickly.

The venue is within walking distance of the town, yet there is plenty of parking space onsite for those who drive.

Enquiries to Trisha Marlow: Phone 07812 518822.
Email: bibba.uk@gmail.com
You can pre-register for the Conference, with no commitmenthere. Entering your name and email address will keep you up to date with occasional emails as the conference programme develops and will let you know as soon as online bookings open.

We hope to see you there !

“Cyllidwyd y prosiect hwn drwy Gynllun Datblygu Gwledig Cymru 2007-2013 a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’r Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig.”

“This project has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.”

Black Comb
02-03-2014, 04:34 PM
That list of speakers looks impressive.
I have just negotiated a day of attendance with Mrs BC.
Now just need to see the programme to choose the day.

02-03-2014, 06:00 PM
Irish mafia well represented

02-03-2014, 10:49 PM
I think there will be a few more speakers to come yet. The problem I will have will be in deciding which lectures to attend and which to leave out as there will be 2 or 3 running concurrently at all times. I fancy listening to all of them! When you see the subjects they will be covering you will appreciate my dilemma.