View Full Version : Feral Colony Collection.

29-12-2013, 07:21 PM
Someone on another forum I frequent posted these photos of a swarm that settled in their front garden in the US and a few photos of the operation to retrieve them:

The colony was successfully re-homed at the beekeeper's apiary and apparently they're doing well.

30-12-2013, 01:13 PM
Looks like a thriving colony, glad they got re homed before the winter.
I cannot imagine such an exposed nest reaching that level of development in our climate.

Pete L
30-12-2013, 03:16 PM
I cannot imagine such an exposed nest reaching that level of development in our climate.

Over the years I have only ever collected two similar to that, regards that level of development, one was in late August from the branches of a tree about 20ft up, the other attached partly on the side of a building and Virginia creeper, this one was in early February and very exposed as the VC had shed all its leaves by then.