View Full Version : Where to put dummy board

26-07-2013, 03:07 PM
I've just set my bees up on a Smith to Commercial conversion, as the Smith box is rectangular I have no option but to put the frames the warm way. The conversion holds 10 commercial deeps but there is a gap that needs to be plugged by a dummy board. Should I put the dummy at the front or the back of the box or does it not matter? Also I can get my hands on some plywood to make said dummies however it seems to have some kind of veneer or varnish on it should I use this or not?
all the best to you all

26-07-2013, 04:31 PM
I always put dummy boards at the rear of the hive (away from the entrance) on warm way frames and start my inspections moving forwards to the entrance (to the chagrin of some) so it's the first thing I remove to give me space.

As for the varnish, I honestly don't know.

26-07-2013, 07:01 PM
Don't bother varnishing it ... the bees will give it a thin coat of propolis. I washed one recently and the water beaded away beautifully.

Anything to reduce the painting (says someone busy painting 6 MB poly Lang nucs :( )

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26-07-2013, 07:04 PM
D'oh ... just reread the OP. I suspect they'll be OK varnished ... it's likely the paint/varnish is non toxic once dried at least.

And now back to my painting.

PS I put dummies at the 'back' on a warm-way hive as well, and work from the back during inspections.

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26-07-2013, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the advice I should clarify - the piece of plywood is a scrap piece that has some type of varnish or veneer already on it


27-07-2013, 09:26 AM
Hi Steven
That was what I assumed in my second answer once I'd properly read your OP.

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27-07-2013, 09:28 AM
As usual, where I have a pair of hives I seem to have morning foragers in one, and afternoon foragers in another, in terms of peak activity. I wonder if they somehow work this out between them?

The colony with the mysterious (double queen?) aborted swarm has settled back in nicely though I did have to go in and take out a large number of swarm cells, two of which (opem, same age) I transferred to a very,very poorly executed and ill thought out nuc - I hope I haven't wasted the stock I put in but we shall see. If either of the QCs in the nuc have survived my mistreatment they will at least be available if this weekend's inspection indicates that the original colony is Q-. It is acting happy enough, so I am not too worried.

The Drone Ranger
27-07-2013, 12:12 PM
Until you try something you never know
Maybe a little mating nuc like apidea would be handy for another time
fingers Crossed