View Full Version : Spey Beekeepers Association first meeting - 30th January

07-01-2013, 07:16 PM
Well after much to-ing and fro-ing we're hopefully going to launch our modest new association on 30th January. Fingers crossed we get a decent turnout and that the weather plays ball.

Many thanks to Gavin for the links to sample constitutions and to everyone who's given me encouragement to get it up and running.

I have a Facebook event with details here


07-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Great to hear its all going ahead. will try hard to be there

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08-01-2013, 12:29 AM
Hope to see you there Bridget and if the weather's dodgy I'll make sure to give you as much notice as possible of cancellation.

08-01-2013, 05:36 PM
Lets hope we will get some good daylight meetings later on in the year. Apart from my one day beginners course I've never seen inside any other hives but my own and I still don't understands how or why warm way/cold way works though I'm pretty sure mine are warm way! It will be interesting💡

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08-01-2013, 06:43 PM
It is always interesting (and almost always useful) to see the way other people do their beekeeping. I usually learn something. Even hosting groups of beginners at the association apiary brings surprises and useful ideas about doing things differently and better. That how I learned to stuff the bottom hole of the smoker with grass too, and several other things.

Well done Gerry and I hope that it takes off.

08-01-2013, 07:01 PM
Do you know Gavin I never once thought of doing that with the bottom hole of the smoker! Great idea!

And hopefully we'll be able to enlist a few people willing to host some meetings at their apiaries in the summer. I will be volunteering so for good or ill you'll get to see how I do things Bridget.

Encouraging signs so far with a few people committing to coming along. Amusingly Jon looked at our event page on Facebook and now it's saying he's coming along! Quite the commute from Northern Ireland eh Jon?!

08-01-2013, 07:03 PM
Bloody Facebook!. I thought I was just subscribing to the page updates.

I would get altitude sick if I ventured that far north.

08-01-2013, 07:04 PM
Of course don't let me dissuade you Jon if you're determined to come!;)

Poly Hive
08-01-2013, 11:47 PM
There is a lot further north than there Jon... try Hammerfest. LOL

Good luck with your assoc, and if I can offer one idea it is to put in the constitution, and yep you need one, not to allow any committee member more than two consecutive years on the panel. The Aberdeen Assoc suffered for some 20 years from a chair and sec who were utterly hidebound.


08-01-2013, 11:56 PM
Thanks PH - I have drafted a possible constitution and in there is a time limit on terms of office. One thing I would say is that from my experience it's sometimes difficult getting people to volunteer for committee positions so I'd not be keen to stop people standing for re-election. But it's a point well made.

09-01-2013, 07:12 AM
In our association the Chair, Sec , Treasurer stay as long as they are elected. Each year they are always trying to give up the post and it is difficult to find people to fill these posts. We have a number of ordinary committee members who are elected for no more than 3 years. We find the mix of old, young, experienced and new beekeepers in the committee works well for us.
The hardest job the committee has is trying to identify good speakers each year and to keep the programme of interest for all levels of beekeeper

Poly Hive
09-01-2013, 05:53 PM
I hope you do not have any probs getting committee members, it's usually a pretty thankless job but essential none the less. I seem to remember hearing at some point that an assoc had to change their rules due to the same probs that the Aberdeen one had, so it can happen unfortunately.

I wish your venture all the very best. :)


30-01-2013, 10:15 AM
Good luck for your first meeting tonight.
.Western Galloway beekeeping Assn.

30-01-2013, 11:05 AM
Thanks Grizzly! We'll see if it's just me who turns up. I'll post a wee report on what happens later on.

30-01-2013, 01:24 PM
Just you and me then!

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30-01-2013, 09:51 PM
Good luck for your first meeting tonight.
.Western Galloway beekeeping Assn.

The Scottish local beekeeping associations are so well scattered you could see twinning arrangements taking off.

30-01-2013, 11:17 PM
Well the meeting went ahead and I'm delighted to say that it wasn't just me and Bridget there!

We had an attendance of 16 beekeepers and beekeepers-to-be from all over the Spey valley area and beyond. Plus I had apologies from a couple who weren't able to make it on the night. So things are looking hopeful. Yours truly got made Secretary and Bridget is Treasurer so SBAi is well represented!

Just need to keep up the momentum and keep everyone interested.

30-01-2013, 11:26 PM
Well the meeting went ahead and I'm delighted to say that it wasn't just me and Bridget there!

We had an attendance of 16 beekeepers and beekeepers-to-be from all over the Spey valley area and beyond. Plus I had apologies from a couple who weren't able to make it on the night. So things are looking hopeful. Yours truly got made Secretary and Bridget is Treasurer so SBAi is well represented!

Just need to keep up the momentum and keep everyone interested.

Superb! Well done, and we look forward to hearing how it develops.