View Full Version : Recipe using honey

31-03-2010, 05:40 PM

If your hens are like mine and lay more eggs than you can eat just now, why not try to make some Honey-Advocaat:


10 egg-yolks (from very fresh eggs)
300 g honey
some vanilla flavour
400g cream
500ml brandy (or similar strength alcohol)

Heat honey and egg-yolks indirectly in a bowl immersed in hot water while whisking constantly for 5 minutes (but don't boil!).
Add vanilla, cream and brandy and keep whisking for another 5 minutes.
Leave to cool.
Stirr again, then bottle.

According to my rough calculations you should end up with a drink of around 12 to 15 % alcohol (Vol).

The Advocaat should get better and better as it matures, if you can leave it alone, of course.;)


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31-03-2010, 10:42 PM
Nice one Doris.

My fravorite dessert is
natural yogurt
crushed walnuts
runny dandelion honey.

31-03-2010, 10:59 PM
OK a german bear bait recipe:
1 liter good vodka (moskovskaya is good smirnoff is not)
350g runny honey (maybe slightly warmed)
8 cloves
1 Vanilla stick
Mix the honey into the vodka well, slice open the vanilla stick, put the lot into a dark bottle and leave it at room temperature for a week.
Alternative to cloves and vanilla are a cinnimon stick and some lemon zest