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  1. Nosema Ceranae
  2. dysentery
  3. Are they dead?
  4. They're dead!
  5. Open Mesh Floors
  6. Which areas of the UK are still varroa free?
  7. Next Varroa Treatment
  8. Varroa treaments?
  9. Government’s Bee Inspectors - The Good Guys!!
  10. Colony losses
  11. Deformed wing virus
  12. Bee Armageddon??
  13. Advice please on using formic axcid treatment in the hive
  14. video: bees removing larvae with varroa
  15. If Custer was a queen, was this the 'last stand'?
  16. Disease diagnosis
  17. Concerns about swarm catching and disease
  18. Chalk brood: is there a lot of it about this year?
  19. local beekeeping supplier unhelpful
  20. What is your medicine
  21. organic varroa control
  22. How does Thymol actually work?
  23. AFB in West Lothian
  24. Deformed Virgin Queen
  25. How's your VARROA???
  26. Shrimp Brood - A New Bee Disease?
  27. Varroa breakthrough
  28. Varroa Gard
  29. Shelf Life Of Ambrosia
  30. Varroa treatment
  31. Essential listening for beekeepers who care as much about their own health as that of
  32. Research on Small Hive Beetle in High Security Units in the UK
  33. Poisoning
  34. CCD explained?
  35. Diagnose this
  36. Dead queen today
  37. Sterilizing 2nd hand hives
  38. Genetic weapon developed against honeybee-killer
  39. EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees.
  40. Could Biological Control be the next (viable) weapon in Varroa IPM?
  41. Is concern over residues in foundation warranted?
  42. A.m. subspecies and varroa
  43. Probably the wrong sort of black bee
  44. Teaching support
  45. Water
  46. Do these look OK?
  47. sodium formate
  48. Varroa "Vectored Viruses"
  49. Oxalic Acid and New/Virgin Queens
  50. Oxalic Acid and New/Virgin Queens
  51. Queen worries...
  52. EFB show and tell
  53. A bad day at the association apiary
  54. Oh ....
  55. A frame of EFB from 2009
  56. Biosecurity kit
  57. The Swindon Bees
  58. Api Life Var vs Apiguard vs (insert favourite non Pyrethoid Varroa Treatment)
  59. Hopguard
  60. Bee Health Day
  61. Wasps
  62. DWV suspected
  63. AFB: How far is safe?
  64. ChalkBrood
  65. K-wing = Acarine Mite
  66. formic acid treatment
  67. Bee lice
  68. Thymol and brood removal
  69. 2011 varroa levels
  70. Nosema strategy
  71. Afb
  72. Varroa damaged colony
  73. Nosema ceranae
  74. What's going on here?
  75. Diesel fumes killing bees?
  76. vespa velutina nigrithorax
  77. OA pre check
  78. Too Late for OA?
  79. Oil Seed Rape and neonicotinoid seed coatings
  80. Another pesticide study
  81. UBKA Conference
  82. Winter Losses 2011/2012
  83. Apimondi Bee Health Symposium
  84. Are we looking in the wrong place?
  85. Is this a problem?
  86. Hive types
  87. Looking to get a microscope can anyone advise
  88. Winter Losses outside the UK
  89. A Discussion on Foulbrood
  90. Honey Bee Pests and Diseases useful Links
  91. ** Bee Health Day in Aberdeen Tomorrow **
  92. Bee inspector visit
  93. Virkon S
  94. Bee Health Day in Inverness on 9 June 2012
  95. Mid season varroa treatments
  96. Dwv
  97. Efb
  98. Bacteriophages to combat AFB?
  99. Amitraz/Apivar
  100. RHS -The Garden Joins the Neonicotinoids debate
  101. German Bee Monitoring Project
  102. Bees and Dogs
  103. Leaving it late.
  104. Microfibre
  105. Feeding with an eke on
  106. Scottish tracheal mite survey - Bees needed !
  107. Bees not taking syrup
  108. Api Life Var
  109. Powdered sugar dusting
  110. Oxalic Acid.
  111. Genetic modelling for Varroa resistance
  112. Antibiotics and beekeeping
  113. Sterilising Combs
  114. Bees and Health rather than Bee Health!
  115. Oxalic dilution
  116. Varroa grip
  117. New Microscope
  118. Anatomy of a dead colony
  119. Feed Supplements
  120. Big losses reported in NZ bees - implications for imports.
  121. Beeologics: varroa
  122. Mould
  123. Nosema Cerana in Scotland
  124. Thornes email today
  125. Idiopathic brood disease syndrome (IBDS)
  126. Do you use Icing Sugar as part of your IPM?
  127. [My] IPM scheme
  128. Winter losses - more stuff
  129. Randy Oliver article on winter bee losses
  130. Bees with resistance to varroa mites
  131. should bee poo smell?
  132. Canadian clampdown
  133. live varroa mite
  134. Scottish Bee Health Surveillance report
  135. Winter losses in England
  136. Honey Bee Health Surveillance 2013
  137. Varroa – feasibility of clearing?
  138. European Foulbrood
  139. Chalk brood
  140. AFB In South West Scotland
  141. Interesting new bee paper on US pesticide / nosema work
  142. maqs strips
  143. sugar syrup
  144. Low varroa counts
  145. How to seal feeder?
  146. Asian/asiatic giant hornets
  147. Irish Examiner article
  148. Marla Spivak lecture Edinburgh, June 2013.
  149. Acetic acid fumigation?
  150. Maqs
  151. Scorpions control varroa
  152. Is this a problem or a scare story
  153. Dead bees from apidea
  154. Help Oxalic Acid.
  155. Adding food colouring to OA solution
  156. Beebase Varroa Calculator
  157. Propolis and hygienic behaviour
  158. Disease cards
  159. Prescription miticides
  160. Bee gym
  161. Help identifying some small larvae...
  162. winter losses 2013-2014
  163. A DIY Oxalic Acid Evaporator
  164. Neonic research
  165. Nosema
  166. Nosema question
  167. Deformed wing virus
  168. Drone brood removal
  169. Syrup container
  170. Chalk brood
  171. possible restriction to oxalic acid use
  172. Varroa & genetic variability
  173. Bee Health Day in Duns - Sat 7th June
  174. EFB season again
  175. Shiny black bees
  176. Lost nuc
  177. AFB in Aberdeenshire
  178. Varroa in Caithness
  179. American Foulbrood Research
  180. Low varroa counts
  181. Hungry bees
  182. Experience of Reduced Laying with Apiguard?
  183. Small Hive Beetle in mainland Europe
  184. Can feeding bees do them harm ?
  185. Beekeeping on Mars
  186. Extra insulation
  187. How do Varroa Mites Know when to Leave Honey Bee Hives?
  188. Biosecurity in NZ
  189. SHB petition
  190. Nosema
  191. Paul Stamets: a fun guy for bees
  192. winter dysentery?
  193. Bee Decline Article
  194. France vs the Asian hornet
  195. LASI Talk on Varroa , OA application and hygienic behaviour.
  196. Possible small hive beetle in Switzerland
  197. New scientific Paper on Bee Health by D Goulson
  198. Legless Queen
  199. What Happened Here?
  200. Fondant
  201. Scottish Bee Health Days 2015
  202. Ankle Biters?
  203. Varroa in drone brood
  204. Small Hive Beetle update
  205. AFB - Alyth
  206. Brood disease
  207. Chalkbrood can we be rid of it
  208. AFB Sniffer Dog
  209. Have you seen this neonic lecture .
  210. Ireland one of the first countries in Europe with a strategy
  211. Aethina tumida 2015
  212. SASA Doors Open Day
  213. Neonics and queens
  214. Could a mushroom save the honey bee.
  215. The brood minder look in on your bees when at work.
  216. Parasite prevelance on honeybees after feeding on OSR treated with neonics
  217. Acronyms and Zombie bees at Halloween.
  218. Varroa project estimations??
  219. Scottish bees
  220. Fera Managing varroa leaflet question
  221. query re removing varroa strips
  222. Varroa estimations during winter.
  223. Poly cluster
  224. EFSA report on risks of spread of small hive beetle
  225. Build the Buzz
  226. Varroa snelgrove effect
  227. Aldi requests farmers to stop using Neonics.
  228. DWV spread 'manmade'
  229. Vitellogenin
  230. Dwarf Drones
  231. Varroa Monitering IPM
  232. Isle of Man Varroa-free status threatened ... ?
  233. What next ....
  234. Australian Honey most contaminated.
  235. Tropilaelaps & Varroa found
  236. Check out wemos1 app I've made.
  237. Bee Health Day - 14 May 2016
  238. Varroa Tolerant bees.
  239. Nuc sales to the west.
  240. Snow
  241. If AFB is identified ... ?
  242. AFB Alyth
  243. Nosema?
  244. AFB in South Aberdeenshire
  245. AFB near Inverness
  246. Will I live to regret this.
  247. AFm and 'pupal tongue'
  248. Asian hornets in Tetbury
  249. Beekeeping court case
  250. Another one about to jump species.