View Full Version : Queen raising

  1. Pollen Feeding
  2. Lazy man queen rearing
  3. National Twinstock
  4. They've started!!
  5. To Swarm or Not to Swarm, that is the question!
  6. Swarm arrival : how long before her majesty starts to lay?
  7. How long in temp location prior to permanent home location
  8. When to replace a Queen
  9. Cupkit System
  10. Stupid Question.. If I want to get started...
  11. moving a colony or apidea with a virgin queen
  12. apidea management and grafting photos
  13. Ben Harden Queen Right system of queen rearing
  14. Thornes queen cage
  15. witnessed a mating swarm
  16. Queen puzzle
  17. Queen puzzle 2
  18. queen puzzle 3
  19. Queen Accept solution
  20. Drone Laying Queens
  21. It's me gammy leg!
  22. Best simple methods for raising a few queens
  23. Dud queen?
  24. Horsley v Snelgrove
  25. MIni-nuc absconding swarms
  26. Drone Numbers
  27. Supersedure of a new queen
  28. Quality of queens
  29. Queen flies from Apidea on 20th November
  30. Apidea or Mini-Nuc?
  31. The Beginners Queen Raising Shopping list.
  32. 14x12
  33. Re-queening
  34. Overwintering Apideas
  35. Graftingu
  36. Industrial Queen Rearing
  37. Setting up a cellraiser
  38. First meeting Belfast queen rearing group 2012
  39. Looking to start out
  40. First cells hatched 2012
  41. Apidea - candy or syrup?
  42. Apidea - hair rollers
  43. Virgin queen orientation flight from apidea
  44. Apideas filled today
  45. Bee breeding/improvement groups
  46. Absconding apideas
  47. The Rose method of queen rearing
  48. Queen mating problems? Really?
  49. Enemy of the Apidea...
  50. Position of Mating Nucs
  51. Banking queens
  52. Robbing Apideas
  53. Queen stopped laying
  54. Last of the Apideas
  55. Timescale to mate of virgin queens.
  56. Queen Viral Infection Project
  57. Cleaning queen rearing kit
  58. Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens
  59. Incubator for Queen Cells.
  60. Instrumental insemination
  61. Terry Clare weekend - May - Inverness
  62. The Cost of a Nuc Hive
  63. starting out queen rearing
  64. Grafting query
  65. Absconding bees from Apidea
  66. Q rearing and demarree
  67. Cloake board use
  68. Sounds from mini-nucs
  69. Bored with board
  70. Mug of bees
  71. Queen rearing pics
  72. Possible to add more bees to apidea?
  73. Transporting queen cells
  74. [B]Queens to go[B]
  75. Numbering queens
  76. Mating/laying Q = Mini-nuc < Nuc < Hive
  77. Time in Apidea
  78. Book
  79. Early signs of an unfertilised queen?
  80. Does anyone use JzBz 'storage' bars
  81. 1st grafting attempt
  82. How late will you graft
  83. How long to keep queen in cage?
  84. The cigar is essential ...
  85. Lost queen
  86. Uniting apidea to nuc
  87. How late to mate
  88. Care of Apideas
  89. cell raising bar spacing
  90. Last of the apideas winter 2013-2014
  91. A poll for the people who raise their own queens
  92. Queen Rearing pdfs
  93. Horner method for controlled mating
  94. Mating nucs - options and....gulp...opinions !
  95. supersedure of queens mated from mini nucs
  96. Introduction of Virgin Queen into mini nuc
  97. Queen raising 2014
  98. Queenless or Queenright?
  99. JzBz queen cups
  100. Queen cell size
  101. Moving frames with bees
  102. In the swing
  103. Busted Cupkit wanted
  104. Carnies
  105. Queen cell hatching
  106. Supersedure after transfer from Apideas
  107. How long should I give a vigin to start laying?
  108. A review of methods used for assessing the quality of honey bee queens.
  109. Irish Amm
  110. Wasps robbing Apideas
  111. And another thing......
  112. topping up small nuc / mating nucs.
  113. Going Blind and Grafting
  114. torn down q cell?
  115. Moving them on
  116. Queen cell
  117. Apidea query
  118. A brace of Quoons! Discovered at the weekend.
  119. Another way of raising a few queens ?
  120. open queen cell in an apidea on the face of the comb
  121. Artficial Insemination - viability?
  122. Maintaining a drone population
  123. apiary vicinity mating - staging post
  124. Pam Hunter - Sex life of honeybee
  125. Over-wintering Queens - Hardware and Methods ...
  126. Queen Marking
  127. Cupkit cell cups - head's-up.
  128. Mini nuc survival rate 2014-2015
  129. Jamie Ellis: Biology of the Honey Bee
  130. Has buzzybeeshop gone?
  131. Thornes Bivo mating nuc - thoughts?
  132. nuc extension from Paynes
  133. Was SHB, Now more queen and nuc raising
  134. Mini Plus frames
  135. A day out with a queen rearer
  136. Finding day-old larvae
  137. Apiary vicinity mating
  138. First queens emerged 2015
  139. cell starter units
  140. Swiss grafting tools
  141. Weather and mating
  142. Queen cells covered in comb
  143. Eggheads ... here's one for you
  144. To wire or not to wire? that is the question
  145. Queen mating and sperm storage
  146. Mating 2015
  147. Rebecca and Ged Marshall on the beeb
  148. Kirk Webster 4-Way Mating nucs
  149. Drone rearing
  150. Instrumental Insemination
  151. What's the longest time after grafting you've waited for a queen to emerge ?
  152. Beyond Royal Jelly: Caste Determination
  153. Controled Flight Time Mating,
  154. Queen Rearing.
  155. Apidea Spacing
  156. Drones Haploid and Diploid.
  157. overwintered mini nucs 2015-2016
  158. To Clip or not to Clip that is the Question.
  159. OTS Queen Rearing
  160. Modified Paynes nuke for queen rearing
  161. Best format for mating virgin queens
  162. Over winter Nuc/Hive size
  163. Raising or Breeding queens
  164. thymiangeist - Thyme spirit
  165. Queen Nursery Frame
  166. New Type Of Queen
  167. Nicot
  168. Moving eggs?
  169. New queen loose somewhere.
  170. Top tips
  171. Queen record cards?
  172. Timing of QC addition to nucs
  173. Queen-rearing in a queen-right colony
  174. 2016 state exam paper.
  175. Q-rearing paraphernalia
  176. Rainbow mini
  177. Bee behaviour interpretation needed
  178. Queen bee diet.
  179. New Colonsay queens! - MiniPlus now, or direct introduce (hopefully) tomorrow?
  180. Drone genetics.
  181. Who wants to be queen Me Me Me..
  182. Unmated queens.
  183. Instrumental Insemination sting hooks and queen holding apparatus ?
  184. New Queen colours.
  185. vertical Queen excluder in brood box.
  186. Queen cell damaged?
  187. Drones ejected
  188. Absconding from Apidea.
  189. Multi breeding Nuc
  190. Eggs for starters?
  191. putting new V queens in apideas
  192. Last Queen
  193. Sealed Queen cell in Apidea.
  194. Kieler mini nucs?
  195. Nuc as a cell raiser question
  196. Delicate larvae.
  197. Removing Larvae
  198. Apidea mating nucs - good prices
  199. Great grafting tools of our time
  200. Grafting / Queen rearing 2019
  201. Queen rearing problem
  202. Apidea feeders
  203. Apidea problem
  204. Queen rearing 2020 finally over :)