View Full Version : Everything and anything

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  1. Welcome!
  2. Just Joined
  3. The Co-op's new initiative
  4. Pollen
  5. The report from the East
  6. Talk by Geoff Coates in Coupar Angus tomorrow afternoon
  7. Bumbles
  8. Bee videos
  9. Single box beekeeping or not?
  10. Research into bee feeding and CCD
  11. Weather this week
  12. bees and pine trees
  13. A hive on scales
  14. Old Foundation
  15. Alternative Varroa Floor
  16. Double or Single Brood Box
  17. Apitherapy under attack
  18. Have Beekeepers in Scotland Lost Control of their Winter/Spring Colony Losses?
  19. Free Sugar!
  20. Dummy Boards
  21. Ferals
  22. Bee Lures
  23. Have you seen any bees but your own?
  24. crafty little beggers arn't they
  25. Tidying up
  26. SBA Area Rep Reports
  27. Latest cost for Cedar planking
  28. Bee magazines
  29. Skills and methods of beekeeping
  30. Early swarming
  31. All you ever wanted to know about the honey bee genome but were afraid to ask
  32. Simple construction of a bait hive
  33. How bees proces nectar to honey.
  34. Bees Swarming ON Bee Cam!!
  35. What on earth????????????
  36. Bees on telly again
  37. Potential land for bees
  38. Grafting tool
  39. What happens next? The Bees probably know but they're not telling...
  40. Queen Cells
  41. Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On ....
  42. New tube-device for catching swarms, no more ladders needed.
  43. Fondant
  44. Large Format Brood Boxes
  45. Vandals
  46. Did you miss us?!
  47. Log-in issues
  48. 3,000 years of beekeeping
  49. Spliting the hive
  50. Swarm in a box?
  51. Deformed Wing Virus
  52. Can a queenless hive swarm out of congestion?
  53. Drifting Drones
  54. Calk Brood
  55. Queen Excluder
  56. Beebase Registration for Scotland
  57. Cloudy extracted honey
  58. Thamks
  59. Non-laying queen swarms
  60. Early supersedure of new queens
  61. That rustling sound
  62. Agressive Queen
  63. Drone Layer
  64. Double Brood
  65. Tip for raising queen cells
  66. Why don't drones harass virgin queens in the hive?
  67. Beechgrove
  68. 1.5k posts
  69. The heather season
  70. Wasps
  71. Parasitic Mites; hitching lifts from flowers
  72. Drone brood massacre
  73. Strange sound!
  74. Strange sound
  75. Queen Catching
  76. OMF good or bad
  77. Apiary site urgently required
  78. BBC Landward
  79. Winter Preperations
  80. Earwigs and Ants
  81. Heather?? Clover?? Clover?? Heather??
  82. Larval Queens
  83. Bees and polystyrene
  84. A long summer?
  85. Two tone bees
  86. correx feeders
  87. Too late to create new queen?
  88. Picture puzzle
  89. Miller Feeders
  90. Keeping the honey dry without shrivelling up the kids
  91. Drones life cycle
  92. Robbers
  93. Altruistic behaviour in bee colonies
  94. Advice on storing sealed honey frames
  95. Sparrows
  96. Conference in France
  97. adding bees to a colony with the newspaper bag method
  98. Another puzzle
  99. Wasp traps
  100. Advice on the winter hive
  101. Varroa breakthrough
  102. Visit to JOHN MELLIS's OPEN DAY
  103. What happened to the comb??
  104. Unsealed honey
  105. Yet another puzzle
  106. Extracting Heather Honey
  107. Forum Suggestion: Tapatalk
  108. Rhododendron nectar - toxic?
  109. Help with Pollen Identification.
  110. links
  111. Foundationless Frames
  112. Pollen
  113. [Bee] Genetics 101
  114. Did you miss us?!
  115. OSB (Rose) Hive
  116. How was your honey harvest?
  117. What're your bee related winter plans?
  118. Can I join the SBA?
  119. Good or Bad
  120. Queen rearing 2011
  121. Super Frame Choices
  122. Queens from Southern Oreland
  123. Top vs Bottom Bee Space
  124. Moving Hives
  125. Down time
  126. Monitoring stores in a nuc
  127. Eggs
  128. Snowed in ????
  129. Fat Free Soya Flour
  130. Apologies
  131. Bees dying in the snow
  132. Oxalic treatment advice
  133. Winter feeding and hive design
  134. She dreams in colours... how bees see flowers
  135. What makes a beekeeper - a special beekeeper?
  136. Bee cam
  137. Oxalic acid today
  138. Nuc box designs
  139. Taking homework too seriously....
  140. Jon, clear some PMs
  141. secret santa
  142. Yuletide and Christmas Greetings!
  143. Happykeeper floors
  144. Sore throat remedy
  145. Liability Insurance
  146. Furniture polish
  147. Colony Collapse Disorder
  148. Marmalade and bees
  149. Microscopy Course In Stirling
  150. BBKA Pesticde Decision
  151. Monsanto GM maize deemed to contain toxins. Whistleblower wins case!
  152. Advice to gardeners
  153. late winter feed, what to do???
  154. There is no beekeeping best practice but many poor quality beekeepers
  155. Possible forum changes
  156. Junk food
  157. Sugar Syrup for all Seasons!
  158. Forum update
  159. Gavin’s idea of the SB magazine and the Forum in Sync., in Action!
  160. Queenless colony in late spring
  161. oxalic acid treatment
  162. Queen introduction
  163. oxalic acid
  164. Polystyrene Hives
  165. Scottish Beekeeper magazine additional figures
  166. "What can go wrong now?"
  167. Queens
  168. todays news
  169. what electrical phenomenen is associated with bee dances?
  170. Hive Records
  171. Dave Cushman
  172. Microscopy Consumables
  173. Photo competition
  174. Bee genetics again
  175. 21 days to start supercedure
  176. Langstroth to National
  177. Willow
  178. Brood & a Half.
  179. Osr
  180. Pagden et al
  181. Winter Feed
  182. Anyone know this plant?
  183. Winter Losses
  184. Colony progress
  185. Beehaus hives
  186. colony going backards
  187. Predictions for the week
  188. Bee thefts in Dundee
  189. Digest and discuss
  190. Pollination vid/article
  191. Sticky Boards????
  192. Feeding
  193. Beekeepers from the south ...
  194. Full or empty
  195. Fondant or not
  196. Using the new polynucs
  197. Looking for some advice
  198. Swarming Advice
  199. Options for drone laying queens
  200. Shears or strimmer
  201. Bee Cam
  202. What is going on here?
  203. Problems
  204. Season so far
  205. What about the lime?
  206. Landing Boards
  207. What's Going on Here? The Sequel.
  208. Help
  209. How far did your swarm go?
  210. Collecting propolis
  211. Polystyrene dummy boards
  212. Bee Crawl
  213. Supersedure vs Swarming
  214. Queens-to clip or not to clip
  215. Best way to requeen nasty colony
  216. Laying worker problem
  217. They're not wearing gloves ...
  218. Hush !
  219. Brace and Burr Comb
  220. Apistan
  221. Hot or Cold?
  222. Brood movement
  223. swarm in july
  224. Police Appeal posted today
  225. gland position
  226. bees sting neighbour
  227. Hungry Queen
  228. To extract or not to extract
  229. Kid Gloves
  230. Dodgy deals?
  231. Dud queencell? What to do next?
  232. Summer 2011
  233. On the heather
  234. Insulate or Not ?
  235. Another programme about bees
  236. Candy
  237. Wasps
  238. Wrist protection
  239. Mead!
  240. New queen not laying
  241. Forum FAQ: How do I... Can I...?
  242. Matchsticks yes or no??
  243. Ashforth tray feeders
  244. Age of the queen
  245. winter bees
  246. Feeding Bees
  247. Greets from Crete.
  248. Polystyrene boxes
  249. Bees Nest in attic and need advice
  250. Final Checking